Sunday, February 19, 2006

Krewe des Chiens Parade in Lafayette

Saturday was a big day for our boxer dogs Booda and Suge. This marked Booda's 3rd and Suge's 2nd time to attend the Mardi Gras Parade for the Krewe des Chiens in Lafayette. We stay clear of Mardi Gras celebrations for the most part, but this one has become an annual event that we look forward to. We didn't walk in the parade this year because I enjoy taking pictures both at the staging area and as the parade passes by.

We do plan to donate our entry fee as it benefits the local animal shelters in this area and promotes the goal to help reduce the rapid growth of the animal population by educating the public about the importance of having your pets spayed or neutered. Attendance was smaller this year because of the colder conditions, but we had a great time and the dogs are sleeping like logs tonight.

For these shots, I set the 7D to full automatic aka idiot proof as I was concerned with getting the shots and not experimenting with settings this time...

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