Friday, January 27, 2006

"Women's Physique World" Magazine Cover

I'm thrilled to report I'm featured on the cover of the December 2005 issue of "Women's Physique World" magazine. There is also an article by staff writer Mike Bogen and several more pictures by Bill Jentz who is the publisher. You can check out the article in adobe .pdf format on my web site from the "News" section.

As you see, the issue focus is on older physique athletes. I don't really like to make a big deal about my age, but if others do that's fine with me LOL. I didn't start lifting until my early 30's and I feel I looked better as I've gotten older. The amazing thing about bodybuilding for women is that years of consistent work
and maturity result in continued improvement. My goal has always been to make improvements in shape and symmetry and so far I've managed to do so. I'm sure there will come a time when maintenance will be my primary goal, but until then, I'll keep on plugging away.

For the non-competitive trainer, be assured that weight training will keep your bones strong and your mental attitude positive. It's never too late to begin and your body will thank you!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

About time!!!! Although I would have liked to have seen a bigger pic of you on the cover seeing as you are a PRO....... but beggers cant be choosey I guess. lol

